Maison du Peuple d’Europe

The Community House of Europe

For a civic and united Europe 


For whom a CHE

The goal of CHE is to attract an audience as diverse as possible.

It is addressed to all people, regardless of their origin, political, or religious orientation, who are involved in elaborating and developing new ideas aiming at social and democratic progress for all.

So we are here for

  • citizens wishing to participate in the development of democracy
  • organizations, groups, or formal and informal collectives
  • people, such as undocumented migrants, homeless people and all those who, for whatever reason, are not registered on the communal electoral lists.

In an increasingly tough political and economic situation, it is indeed essential that minorities, those expelled, and the "invisibles" express themselves, that they are included in the social, civic, and political life and that their opinions are taken into account.
