« The Odyssey of a Truck, A Road to Freedom is an exhibition created with the aim of raising awareness about the consequences of European migration policy at the land borders of the Union.
As part of a project titled : « Everyone is free to leave any country, including their own - let's send messages of hope to migrants stranded in Bosnia and to the local population. », This exhibition aims to network at least 30 Brussels-based associations, working for social inclusion and against poverty, as well as associations supporting migrants with Bosnian and Croatian grassroots associations working against poverty and/or supporting migrants in the border regions between Bosnia and Croatia.
The goal is to organize on-site BRI-Co (Bureaux de Recherche et d'investigation sur le Commun / Offices of Research and Investigation on the Common), a methodological proposal initiated by movements and associations of very different nature and diverse practices: the Actrices et Acteurs des Temps Présents, the Fédération des Services Sociaux and the Cesep.
The exhibition is itinerant. Currently, it is visitable in spaces belonging to a former home occupied by undocumented individuals, located at Rue Linthout 65, Schaerbeek, 1030.
The exhibition aims to raise awareness among the general public and national and European decision-makers about the importance of taking action in these areas to repair the damage caused by this European policy.
The ultimate goal is to strengthen a Europe that is solidary, hospitable, and social, in accordance with Article 2 - 4th Protocol of the Convention of November 4, 1950, for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which states that "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country."
In order to respect this article, we organize debates at the exhibition venue between Members of the European Parliament, Brussels representatives, and association leaders.
If you're interested, to be invited to these debates, please express your interest via email by writing to pietro@mpevh.be.
En liaison avec le débat du 30 novembre avec Pietro Bartolo.